Oil Painting will stay  in History Records forever ​​Proving  the

45th U.S. President's
and Evidence 

Painting an Issue

make people see the Reality


will convince people to vote for what they see and will 


Public Opinion

​​ National Investment Center, is a U.S. Company

the only company in the World specialized in Painting Political Achievements of Heads of States around the World

Artwork Features

For the first time ever Artwork Pictures have a Solution for
Governmental Issues and Country's problems.

Artwork make people see the Reality

Artwork will remain as an Evidence in history forever and stay in the culture of the United States
for current and future Generation .

Intellectual property

Please note that this paintings are the property of National Investment Center, Inc and can not be
printed, repainted

without permission 

​In the Painting President Donald Trump shows the issue of illegal immigration and why he is against it, this Painting makes the issue visual and has a way of helping  citizens to see the real issue and this will affect their opinions and most of viewer will agree with it 

​​​​​​Brief Explanation of the Painting ​​​​​

The 45th President Donald J. Trump protected U.S.A. from illegal Immigration and any Terrorist activities against U.S.A.

 Illegal Immigration is attempting to destroy the Stability and the Economy of AMERICA and smuggling Drugs

but it will fail because of the

Real Perfect Protection

from the 45th President of United States
Donald J. Trump

He shows and proves strength and wisdom as the 45th president

Despite all other attempts to stop the Wall
President Donald J. Trump started the construction of the Wall

Under his presidency
Americans are happy and will NOT lose jobs again 

Americans are living in 
Security, Prosperity

Thanks to the 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump and
​special Thanks to the Republican Party
​for their constant support to the President's Policy


 This Painting showing the President 
Donald J. Trump made the right decision for the sake of U.S. Citizens

That's why he decided to build the Wall ​​


 Former President Trump said " The Boarder Wall is the best for U.S.A. and the best for our Citizens ,


​​​After taking a look at this Painting,
​are you convinced of the President's action and why did he decide to build the Border Wall?


​The Politics of the field of Political Art to look at what it does—not just what it shows to the Country

​Art is not outside Politics, but Politics exist in within its Art representation.

 United States of America  

The U.S. 45th President's  Political Achievements Artwork will record the Truth in history