NICRS helps all Republican  candidates nationwide in  present and future


Our Goal is to win all Elections and be the MAJORITY 

NIC always Painted  the reality that is reflected in a  picture to let our Citizens see the Truth within seconds 

​To help our Citizens with Country situation and Government problems
 will affect them

NICRS always paint the real Facts

NICRS Free ​Republican Services will help every republican Nominee /Candidate 
in any Public office 

Helping GOP - Republican Party in all Elections nationwide and WIN Government


​NICRS can help republican Nominees


 Government Issues Paintings will  show our Citizens, how Republican party, Nominee and Candidates always stand firm with all of our Citizens and  help Citizens and solve their problems with the Government



​​​​​​Our Goal is to have a 
Republican Government all the time

Voters Page

 United States of America  

 How we finance our work for
free republican Election Services

* National Investment Center Inc, finance free Republican Election Services 

the State oh Ohio.

* NICRS main Goal is to advertise for  republican GOP and for the candidates elections.

* NICRS would like to help all Republican candidates to get free Election services nationwide.​

 *Increasing Republican Voters by Fundraising for GOP and Republican Candidates
Fundraising with T-shirts, mugs, hats, and other items featuring the NICRS painting image

It shows the support for our citizens and proving that Republicans care about our citizens

and care about America

* Right now we are preparing for the Republican presidential election in Ohio, NICRS would like to help all the Republican candidates nationwide, yes we need more volunteers to help the candidates nationwide

*NICRS will assist now and in the upcoming Republican presidential election and other elections nationwide

* NICRS can continue nationwide and offer free election services for all Republicans.​​

* NICRS will make intensive advertisements for the candidates so citizens can see and know more about the candidates in advance and be familiar with candidates until the Election.

 Candidates WILL BE READY on time for the next Election and people already know the candidates from past intensive Ads

* For future Election NICRS can prepare  candidates years in advance for all kind of political offices, president senators house representative and any political office nationwide

​ * Definitely this can affect public opinion directly and that will increase Voters to elect republicans

​* People trust visual photos/ painting  to see the Issues better than convincing, talking, or hearing it.

Our citizens want to make their

own minds and decisions

* Political offices should be taken and seated by only republican candidates nationwide

* With  free election services our republican candidates will always have a greater chance to win. 

                  * Our Goal is to win most Elections and have the MAJORITY to be able to make final decisions and 

make America great again for the sake of all Citizens.


FREE  Political ELECTION Services