All Accomplishments and Achievements

of Head of State in the Country 

should be displayed in Museums

to stay in history forever as Evidence
"People who make History" 

Anti Terrorism Art is Created to change  Public Opinions, Prove and Convince People about Terror Countries and Countries that support Terrorism​

Art with Action
A standard way of relating Countries Politics to Art assumes that Art represents political Relation and Loyalty to other Countries in one way or another.

But there is a much more interesting Perspective,
the Politics of the field of Art to look at what it does—not what it shows 
to Countries and Countries Relations

Art is not outside Politics, but Politics exist in within its Art representation

Contemporary Political  Art thus not only reflects, but actively intervenes in the transition towards Countries and Countries Relations. It is a major player in unevenly advancing Relation Loyalty and Friendship between Countries which will effect  Public Opinions and Political Decision  .

Art can contribute to positive change in Countries Relation

Anti Terrorism Art makes History

Political Art Portraits are recommended in every Country to increase people's Awareness of

Head of State's Accomplishments and Achievements in the Country and the fight

against  Terrorism and Countries supporting Terror

ART will make the World more Peaceful 
Art now is  used to change public Opinions and fight Terrorism

All Represented in Oil Painting Portraits on Canvas

" History in Colors" 

​We pledge to fight Terrorism

Display Oil paintings in Museums 

and creating spacial galleries, Exhibition  for Accomplishment, Achievements for Head of State and  Prominent Figures in their Country and Worldwide   

Past   Accomplishments and Achievements for Head of State and  Prominent Figures in Oil Paintings

Head of State future Plans and Work for  his Country

Ongoing Head of State Achievements

Worldwide Achievements

Major changes in the Country

 ATPA will Influence other Political Opposition in the State and other countries

Stop other Political Movements in the Country

Stop other Political Opposition , Disagreements  and Challenges in Country.

"History cannot be manipulated or changed " 

Note: After the Head of State leaving the Government

All his Accomplishments and Achievements will be in his spacial Country Exhibition and Museum for Country History and his Family forever

​Head of State  
Accomplishments and Achievements

" History in Colors" 

All Represented in Oil Paintings 

Anti Terrorism Political Paintings

will influence Public Opinion in the fight global Terrorism and write the actions taken by the State to combat Terrorism at that time in history records.

​​Anti Terrorism Exhibition


Terror Countries and

Countries support Terrorism

and its Head of State

Country Relation Political Art

Oil Paintings for 

Country Relation Political views and Relations with friendly/unfriendly  Countries

Political Situation and 

Kind of Relation

Achievements with other Countries

and the Relations between both Countries

Since 1996

Accomplishments and Achievements of Presidents, Kings, Princes 

and Prominent Figures

Oil Painting will stay  in History forever Proving  

Achievements and Evidence 

Countries Relation 
Political Art

Anti Terrorism Political Art

​ Private Website