



Republican Party



some of the Achievements/ Issues will be painted for Voters to see the Issue visual

NIC will get information from

 Republican Party

and/or Nominees  

​and list some information here

​Nominee's personal Information

​Note: Voters will read Nominee's Achievements and

personal information ​​

What free Republican Services  will make for republican Nominees

what kind of advertisements

for their Election 

Republican Services will create a free special Main Painting for the Nominee and Political Party (GOP)  Achievements and/or Government issue painting

GOP Political Party Achievements

this will show how Republican party and Nominee always help Citizens and solve their problems

In the main picture will be a picture of Nominee

Nominee name, State

and political position he is applying for

Citizens will see the truth

​This to attract people to see it  and will affect their thinking and opinion  when seeing the truth 

Issue Example 

Border Security 

One of many Republican Achievement Painting


Stop Illegal Immigration 


a Native Ad will be published in the  News with a link to Nominees page

​this page will include

Nominees main Picture with sub pictures

Nominee Goals and his/ her Achievements, personal information, Pictures, 

GOP committee chairwoman 
McDaniel Picture on the page and GOP goals, personal information, short videos in action, 

 Please note RNC  Ronna McDaniel  and/or any other republican Leaders can be in the same ads, they be known   by Citizen for future elections  with some of their achievements

NIC prepare for their election in the future as next president 2028 or a senators, house representative election and any political public office. 

voters will go to this site to learn more about this Nominee 

Note other Republican Nominees will be on the site so more voter will visit it.

including names of high officials who supported this Nominee for this political office.

and others who donated financially to supported  Nominee for advertisements costs

NICRS Pictures/Paintings is capable
​of influencing Elections and solving Government
and Country's Issues. 





Republican Party



some of the Achievements/ Issues will be painted for Voters to see the Issue visual

NIC will get information from

 Republican Party

and/or Nominees  

​and list some information here

​Nominee's personal Information

​Note: Voters will read Nominee's Achievements and

personal information ​​

Nominee's best

Achievements to be entered here

+ ......

 This Nominee is trusted 

Republican Services will help every republican Nominee /Candidate 

for any Public office 


New Candidates

Contact us

Presidential Election  2024 

Political Art Oil Painting will stay  in U.S. History Records
​forever Proving  


and Evidence 

Painting a visual Issue can convince people with this Issue

National Investment Center, We were inspired to do this kind of Painting for the sake of American People


see the Reality

Nominees /

Rep. Party Page

 United States of America  


Helping GOP Republican Party/ Nominees to WIN all Elections and win Government Issues


You can reach

​170 Million+​ 

Voters Nationwide 

depends on your 

Advertisements Size

Note: Voters get attracted ... with one look at the picture they Understand the ISSUE

then know for  whom they will vote for 

A new way to convince Voters


Why vote for this presidential Nominee / Candidate


Republicans Support 



We must secure our border, period. Some sections need a physical barrier like the wall, and other parts require technology and more manpower.


I believe education is about empowering parents to make the right choices for their children and their families.


I am committed to making sure our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have the best equipment in the world as we continue to win the war against ISIS.


I have never seen a tax I didn't want to cut and have a proud record of voting for common sense tax reforms.

Strengthening Health Care

ObamaCare has been a disaster for the American people. Premiums have continued to rise and access to care has diminished. Now, Democrats in Congress are pushing for a complete government takeover of our entire health care system. In Congress, I will continue to fight for a health care system that emphasizes the doctor-patient relationship, increases competition and quality, and lowers costs. The Democrats’ push for a complete government takeover of health care will leave the American people with fewer options, lower quality of care, increased taxes and saddle our country with trillions more in debt.

National Security

I am committed to making sure our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have the best equipment in the world. This means we must continue to protect the F-35 and Luke Air Force Base. We also need to continue investing in missile defense so that insane madmen like Kim Jung Un cannot threaten our country with nuclear attack. We must also expand Cyber Command to protect our infrastructure and we must ensure our intelligence assets have the tools they need to continue to defeat terrorists.

Border Security

We must secure our border, period. I support policies that fund CBP, ICE, and finish building the
border wall. I am committed to fighting back against the Biden Administration’s policies that
have created a disaster at our southern border. I will always stand with our hardworking Border
Patrol agents who are on the front lines each and every day securing our border and keeping us

Read my Border Plan by clicking here.


I believe education is about empowering parents to make the right choices for their children and their families. That’s why I believe the federal government needs to get out of the way of decisions made at the local level. I will support federal block grants back to states so that we in Arizona can continue to decide how best to spend our money – not bureaucrats in Washington. I also strongly oppose far-left efforts to impose racist ideologies in the classrooms that teach children to look at each other only through the lens of race.

Taxes and Regulations

I have never seen a tax I didn’t want to cut, and I have a proud record of voting for common-sense tax reforms. We need a reformed tax code that allows citizens to fill out their tax returns on a postcard. I will push for this tax simplification. We also have too many regulations that put the needs of special interests over commonsense policies. I am fighting back against President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ reckless agenda that is going to raise taxes on nearly every single Arizonan.

National Debt

President Biden has pushed tax-and-spending policies that haves wasted $3.8 trillion of hard-
earned taxpayer dollars on truly radical priorities and drive up our national debt. In Congress, I will fight for a balanced budget, to end budget gimmicks, and to rein in spending that both parties have let get out of control. No more burdening the generations that come after us with massive debts. With our
national debt at over $30 trillion, the time to tackle this is now.

Pro-Life and Pro-Family

I am so proud of my record to uphold the sanctity of life and protect the unborn. I am a strong believer that life begins at conception and we must protect the most vulnerable among us. Because of my strong pro-life record, I have received the support and endorsement of the Susan B. Anthony List, an important national pro-life organization, and I have consistently been endorsed by Arizona Right to Life, have a 100% rating with the Center for Arizona Policy and been named “Friend of the Family” by the Arizona Family Project. I will vigorously support the principles of life and vote to prohibit any federal funding for abortion or infanticide.

Second Amendment

There is a reason why our Founding Fathers found it necessary to make the Second Amendment to our Constitution the right to keep and bear arms. This is a principle rooted in our Republic whereby we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But the right to own firearms is more than just a check on tyranny; it is a fundamental right that free citizens be allowed to protect and defend themselves. I have a strong track record of defending the Second Amendment and protecting gun rights. I have consistently been endorsed by the NRA and I am a member of both the NRA and Arizona Citizens Defense League. In Congress, I will continue to strongly support legislation that protects our Second Amendment and protects our citizens from Congressional Democrats’ reckless and irresponsible legislation that attempts to take away law abiding citizens’ right to defend themselves.

Protecting Our Seniors

Protecting Social Security and Medicare for our seniors is one of my top priorities. I believe we must preserve these programs for current beneficiaries who have worked hard and earned these benefits. I also want to lower the cost of prescription drugs for our senior citizens and ensure they have affordable health care coverage. Congress must keep its promise to America’s seniors.

Republican Government is a trusted Government

​That's why I should  vote for Republican 